Friday, December 28, 2012

Gun Control???

It has been several weeks now since the tragedy in Newton. My own heart still aches for all the children who have been affected by the violence there. As for the families of the children who were murdered the problem is that I can partially image how horrible it must be and it brings chills and makes me sick to think about it. My empathy and my prayers go out to you all.

This tragedy has seemed to have stoked the fire of the gun control crowd. The President went so far as to “promise” to do something. I have read statements from multiple public figures calling for new legislation so that “this never happens again”. In some areas lists of registered gun owners have been posted publicly in an attitude of singling out “dangerous” individuals. I realize that my opinion in the grand scheme of things is practically irrelevant, however, thanks to living in America, I still get to have one.

Before I express my opinion let me make a few things clear: Yes I own guns. No I am not a member of the NRA. Yes I think people should be allowed to own guns. No I am not a psychotic, fundamentalist nut case with an underground bunker full of ammunition just waiting for Armageddon so I can start blasting zombies. Yes I teach my kids that guns are ALWAYS dangerous, to NEVER point a gun at anything that you do not want to kill, and I keep guns and ammo separate and secured.

So what about gun control? Or better yet why don’t we get rid of guns from the public altogether? There are reasonably thoughts on both sides that can be debated. I am not writing this to comment on rational reasonable debates. I am writing this more as a prayer that folks would stop and think a moment about what they are saying. There are three main fallacies that are fueling the current gun control movement.

“We have to make sure this never happens again!”
                This is a wonderful utopic idea, but it is also totally impossible. For the atheist crowd this is the idea of mental health. Until all mental health problems have been eradicated or can at least be pre-identified 100% of the time, murders and mass murders are still going to happen. For us Christians we understand that things like this will continue to happen and only get worse until sin, death and satan are locked away forever. In the same way as you can not legislate morality so can you not legislate mental health. If this was possible then we should simply make it illegal to have murderous thoughts.

“Guns killed my child.”
                I hate to say it because it is so simple that it sounds stupid, but it is true. Guns do not kill people, people kill people. If you had the power to make every gun and every gun making plant disappear off the face of the earth forever murder statistics would change very little. If you get rid of guns there are still bow and arrows. If you get rid of bow and arrows there are still swords. If you get rid of swords there are still knives. If you get rid of knives there are still slings and stones. If you get rid of slings and stones there are still clubs. If you get rid of every inanimate object that can be used by one person to kill another person guess what you are left with? At the beginning of Genesis we read that Cain killed his brother Abel with his bare hands. For the atheist there are two ape men beating the snot out of one another until one dies. Murder has been around as long as humans have existed. Guns just happen to be the current contemporary method. As I said above, you will never stop murder until you stop the need/desire to murder.

“If we got rid of certain types of guns we could limit the death toll.”
                While a fallacy, this is the one that seems the most reasonable on the surface. If we got rid of all guns with large capacity magazines that would prevent someone from shooting up a theatre full of people or a classroom full of kids correct? If you have to reload the gun after every shot then someone, anyone, can take the shooter down while they are reloading. 12 people were killed in Aurora and 28 were killed in Newton. A person carrying a handful of single shot guns could never have come close to those death tolls. So obviously this would mean no more mass murders in the double digits, right?

In 1989 Ted Bundy was executed for killing 35 people that were proven to have been killed by him. He is suspected of possibly killing many more. The only time he touched a gun was when he struggled with an arresting officer to try to get the policeman’s gun. 

On April 22, 1999 Luis Garavito was captured. He confessed to murdering 140 children, 139 of those have been confirmed. He is under investigation for the murders of many more. His victims could in reality number more than 400. He never used a gun to kill any of his victims.

On April 19, 1995 Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols detonated a bomb in Oklahoma killing 168 people including 19 children under the age of 6. McVeigh easily purchased the material needed for less than $5000. No guns needed.

On September 11, 2001 terrorist used packing knives to hijack commercial airliners. These airliners were then used to attack various sites. Without the use of a single gun, 2,996 people were murdered.

Friends, the real truth is, where there is an evil twisted will, there will always be ways.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Raspberry Pi

Well I finally did it! I broke down and bought my very own Raspberry Pi. No I am not obsessed with fruity confectioneries and yes I know how to spell “pie”. A “Raspberry Pi” is an amazingly powerful, amazingly full featured, amazingly compact and amazingly inexpensive computer. For $35 you can own a 3” x 5” PCB with built-on processor, 256 MB memory, RCA composite video, HDMI port, dual USB ports, SD card slot, audio port, and Ethernet LAN port. Using free utilities and one of several free open source OS options you place a bootable Linux on an SD card. The device then will boot from the SD card into Linux with the drivers all loaded and ready to use.

Beyond the obvious possibilities for general development and experimentation, I have two specific projects that I am going to work on. One cool thing about having the OS loaded on an SD card is that you can potentially work on multiple projects over the same development time by swapping out the various SD cards associated with each project.

The initial project that was the main driving force for buying the Pi was to function as the brain for an X10 smart home.  I have been working with X10 for a year or two including creating a set of PHP web pages to control various X10 enabled devices within the house. These pages can then be accessed from any internet web browser. I have a dream that this could someday become a business venture.

The second project is more just for personal use. I would like to have a media server that hooks up to our entertainment center. I have done this in the past using hardware that I had lying around. The problem was that said hardware was usually desktop class items. Using desktop hardware takes quite a bit more power than laptop or even smaller electronics. To get around this I tried to leave the media server shut down while not in use. We could then issue a Wake-on-LAN packet to start the PC up. This ended up being a pain and more than the other members of the family really wanted to deal with. I have enough spare laptop hardware to provide three systems for Tigermomma, myself and the Tiger Cubs. Plus spare parts to keep these three ancient units going. But I don’t have enough hardware to have a laptop server dedicated to media. So I had this great idea to use the Raspberry Pi as a media server. This would make a cheap and energy efficient solution.

I thought that I would document my Pi adventures in case they prove interesting to others. Let the fun begin……